10 year old, “Emme,” went Veteran’s Bitch and Best Of Opposite Veteran in Sweepstakes at the Australian Terrier National Specialty, held in October in Rapid City South Dakota.
Three of my dogs were invited to Eukanuba in 2011:
INT/MEX/AM/WORLD-07 BISS – 07, 09 CH I Believe In Love Alfie “Alfie”
BISS GCH Black Back Firefly “Ringo”
GCH Just For Kicks “Beckham” he is co-owned with Junior handlers Ellie & Lydia Goiffon and was shown by Ellie at Eukanuba.
He also went BOS on the last day of our National Specialty again handled by 11 year old Ellie Goiffon.
INT/MEX/AM/WORLD-07 BISS – 07, 09 CH I Believe In Love Alfie “Alfie” was invited to Cruft’s for the 5th year.
Sadly we never were able to attend.
“Ringo” earned his GRCH in just 5 weekends. “Ringo” also got a Group 1 on Halloween day, owner handled.
CH Arista’s Rocky Mountain High, “Rocky” finished his championship this year in 4 weekends of showing.
Possibly the first male Australian Terrier to do so in the US with a natural tail. “Rocky,” is out of “Tory” and “Ringo”.
“Rocky’s” full sister, INT CH Arista’s Survivor Aussie Outback-“Lizzie” earned her International Championship this year as did my veteran, “Tucker” BISS Intl & AKC CH Nessun Dorma. Tucker is also a licensed Therapy Dog International.
Tucker moved to his forever home in Minnesota a few weeks ago where he will remain champion of my heart. He is now enjoying the life of leisure filled with love and companionship from Linda and Dean.[/segment]
Arista Aussies – Australian Terrier Puppies